10 life lessons

So since I become a mother at the age of 26, I learnt a lot of things. In fact my 20s, compared to most people in their 20s, taught me many life lessons. Here I share with you my top 10 life advice that I wish I had known earlier.

1. Ride the waves: The biggest thing I have learnt is to go with the flow of whatever is happening. Accept that the good and bad come from Allah SWT and everything passes. Time doesn’t stand still for anyone and everything passes. 

2. Children change you: Before I became a mother, I had a certain view of the world. I was a very one minded girl. Everything was black and white. When children came, another level of wisdom comes with it. It is the biggest gift that Allah can truly give you. Your children are a blessing but they can also crush you mentally. This is why the reward is so monumental and as a person if you grow with them, you will realise what life really is about.

3. Bite your tounge: I have always been opinionated and as the years passed, I learnt there is a time and place for expression. I always learnt that never express your opinion in anger as it always makes things worse. I normally sleep on the problem now and give it a day before I respond, so I’m more rational. 

4. Don’t let negative people bring you down: Don’t waste your time worrying about the negative attitude or opinions of others. Focus on the people that push you up and help you rise.

5. Make time for your loved ones: Life is short, it runs and the people you love should always be first. Make amazing memories and spend quality time together.

6. Work as a team: I’ve been married for nearly 12 years now! Where does time go?? But I’m that time I’ve learnt marriage is hard work, but worth it if you work as a team and put in the effort on both parts. Then you realise the importance of each other and it’s great.

7. Don’t follow the trends: Pave your own way and don’t follow societies trends. Be a leader, not a sheep. If you conform to every new trend, you will soon be feeling the pressure and real happiness only starts within.

8. Pray salah: No matter how hard things are, stick to salah. This is a fundamental part of keeping connected to the Creator and literally whatever you are facing, you won’t face alone.

9. Step away from the screen: I’m a great believer in balance. I know the word is screen heavy and it will probably get worse, but have a balance. Going outside is fundamental for your mental health and ponder on Allah’s creation.

10. Keep close to ALLAH: I pray that I always will be, but my relationship with Allah is the core of my being. I have submitted myself 100 per cent to Allah’s qadr and I pray with this inshaallah he will take care of me. If you put your trust in Allah wholeheartedly He will no doubt take care of you. I know sometimes I need reminding of this and maybe this is why trails and tests occur in life, but this is so fundamental to me. Keep tight to the deen and inshaallah you’ll flourish.AC

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